How would it feel to write a book this year?

How long has that book idea been on your mind? On your heart?

How many years have passed since you first realized you wanted to write one?

We put writing a book on vision boards and announce it for our New Year's resolutions—but little to no progress gets made.

We let uncertainty, self doubt, fear, distractions, lack of time, and a million other reasons stand in the way of fulfilling our soul's truest calling.

So the years pass, and the writing dream fades, but it never disappears completely.

When you're driving your car, new book ideas strike you as you roll down the highway.

With each book you read, you feel the urge stir within you.

Do you want to be an author, or do you want to only dream of being an author?

The choice is yours.

If you're here, you're ready to do this.

You're passionate about pursuing your writing dreams.

You're tuning into the voice deep inside whispering there's more to your purpose here on Earth.

Now it's time to do something about it.

If you're ready to make your writing dreams come true, this three-day workshop is for you.

Kickstart your writing dreams and start the new year off right.

Day 1:
Planning & Plotting

Is it possible to have fun planning and plotting your book? Yes! Day 1 will help shape your vision for your book idea and structure it so you can get those fingers typing out your story. 

Day 2:
Inspiration & Momentum

Learn the techniques to set and crush your writing goals so you don't lose momentum and can finish writing your book faster than you realized was possible!

Day 3:
Your Author Future

Dreaming about being a "full-time" author someday? First step is publishing, and we'll chat about all the different paths you can take and how to choose the best one for you. Then show you how many people are so successful as FT authors. 

Liz Witherspoon

Lauren and her team are helpful, knowledgeable and passionate about supporting writers to reach their goals and succeed. Lauren teaches the tools and skills to support your writing journey in a natural, accessible and truly inspiring way! Through the course, I made the necessary changes and recommitted to the book that I’ve been ‘thinking about’ and ‘dabbling with’ writing for a decade now – I feel confident that I’ll finish my book (and possibly many more) with the inspiration, support, accountability and structure that Lauren and her team at Burning Soul Press offer. I was so impressed by Lauren’s passion, which shines through her eyes and everything she says, that I went on to join her Writers Group, and am now fully committed to the process of writing my first draft.

I participated in the blank pages to writing machine workshop in summer 2020, with just a vague notion that writing a book would be something fun to try. Lauren taught me everything about the importance of goal setting (and how to do it right) to best practices in the industry. I walked away from the workshop with all the tools in my toolbox needed to be successful. 7 months later I have a 56,000 word novel that’s been professionally edited and ready for agency query! I owe it all to Lauren and the Burning Soul Press team! If there’s one thing that should be on your 2021 to-do list, it’s this workshop!

Julie Navickas

Previously Recorded
January 25th - 27th, 2021

Your Instructor

Lauren Eckhardt is an award-winning and best-selling author, ghostwriter, book coach, and the CEO of Burning Soul Press, a book coaching and publishing company helping soul-driven writers with a message to share become best-selling authors.

You can learn more about Burning Soul Press, our incredible authors, and the services we offer here:

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  • From Blank Pages to a Writing Machine
  • Free

    3-Day workshop to inspire & equip you to write your book in 2021!

    Save My Spot!